Our priorities

WIN: International success

We are focused on sustained performance: getting more Australians on the podium more often.

We work with sports to achieve sustainable and ethical international success through leadership, partnerships, leveraging our expertise, world class service delivery and research and investment.

PLAY: More participation

We want more Australians – particularly young Australians – participating in sport more often.

We aim to better understand what is happening in sport, support the network that supplies sport – our sporting organisations – and help drive lifelong participation in sport with a focus on our high-quality national participation program – Sporting Schools.
THRIVE: Sustainable sports

We want more sports to have the structure, workforce and leadership capacity to develop and run successful sport programs.

We provide targeted support and advice in the areas of governance, product development and commercial sustainability, workforce development, coaching and officiating, facilities and infrastructure, digital capability, and integrity in sport.

PERFORM: Organisational excellence

We are focused on being a high performing organisation that is recognised for strong leadership and culture, attracting and retaining top talent, and for achieving our corporate objectives. We will ensure that the ASC has the resources, facilities and capability to drive progress in our Win, Play and Thrive pillars.

We continue to evolve our operations to ensure that we operate in the most efficient way, focused on delivering the best outcomes for Australian sport.