Our people

ClassificationFemale (%)Male (%)
Executive Level*66%33%
ASC 833%67%
Child Care Workers100%0%

* Note: ‘Executive level’ includes CFO and DGM PCC role, which while ASC 8 level, are full members of the ASC Executive.

Years of service to the ASC
0-6 months5%
7-12 months3%
1-2 years12%
2-5 years26%
5-10 years24%
10-15 years18%
15 years+12%
ASC employees age breakdown
UNDER 3012%

Full Time equivalent employees 
Employment type2013/14  2014/15  2015/16  2016/17  
  ASL (core)ASL (all) ASL (core)ASL (all) ASL (core)ASL (all) ASL (core)ASL (all)
Ongoing Full Time374.4309.2675309.2675338.4270.6283270.6283345.43259.3215259.3215342.79247.07247.07
Fixed Term Full Time258312.0478335.3943159.3220.2147247.0455157.5192.2904224.6266146.5178.9791208.6
Ongoing Part Time11.219.1404719.1404711.216.638916.638911.6816.6174916.6174911.6519.9326919.93
Fixed Term Part Time2.114.2821814.282184.210.5217510.92944310.0867110.8831.9111.9045312.24
Casual Employment54.
  • 89% of employees are proud to work at the ASC
  • 91% of employees feel their colleagues behave in an accepting manner towards people from divers backgrounds
  • 83% of employees would recommend the ASC as a good place to work
  • 105 employees working under flexible work arrangements
  • 28 employees achieving long service awards

Work health and safety

The ASC Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy outlines the ASC’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for staff and visitors and our approach to continuous improvement of health and safety. The WHS Policy and operations are overseen by the ASC Work Health & Safety Governance Forum and the WorkSafe Committee.

The WHS Governance Forum provides leadership and strategic oversight of workplace health and safety management systems and employee rehabilitation. The forum is responsible for ensuring compliance and overseeing performance reporting, including periodic reporting to the ASC Executive and the ASC’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.

The WorkSafe Committee is an operationally focused consultative forum which comprises employee Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and senior management. The committee meets every two months and three HSRs from the committee are also members of the WHS Governance Forum.

Key initiatives during 2016–17 included:

  • audit completed of the Rehabilitation Management System refinement of the WHS and rehabilitation management systems performance reporting
  • continued refinement of the WHS and rehabilitation management systems performance reporting
  • continuation of the early intervention scheme which had a positive impact on the Comcare premium
  • provision of education and training on first aid, fire warden, emergency response accompanied by emergency exercises
  • completion of the annual program of WHS-related training and workplace hazard inspections.

Notifiable incidents

A total of four incidents arising from the conduct of ASC business were reported during 2016–17. There were no investigations undertaken in 2016–17 under Part 10 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.