+ Win Well

27 Mar 2024

Updates to key frameworks for LA2028 cycle

Two key Horizon 1 activities of the HP 2032+ Strategy were to review and update both the National Sport Categorisation Framework and the National Athlete Categorisation framework for the LA2028 cycle.  Both activities were undertaken through collaboration and consultation with the High Performance Sport System (HP System), including the formation of an Advisory Group, to provide advice to the AIS.

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Australian Women's Rugby 7s

20 Mar 2024

Enhancing High Performance Teams – Defining our way forward to Win Well

Members from the HP 2032+ Strategy Enhancing Performance Teams Working Group recently met in Melbourne for a two-day workshop to further their work for Horizon 1 of the strategy.

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06 Mar 2024

Having her family in her corner is boxer Caitlin Parker’s secret to winning well

As a soon-to-be two-time Olympian, seven-time Australian Champion, and Commonwealth Games silver and bronze medallist, boxer Caitlin Parker is not someone most people would associate with failure. But for Parker, failure is just part of the road to success, largely thanks to the supportive environment created by her family, who have been in her corner from the very beginning.

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Olympic boxer Caitlin Parker

20 Feb 2024

HP 2032+ Strategy Leadership Group Meets in Melbourne

Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy Leadership Group has held its first meeting of the year and fifth overall, after coming together at the Australian Sports Commission office in Melbourne.

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14 Feb 2024

Sport Integrity Australia put win well into action with Play the Aussie Way campaign

Play the Aussie Way is a Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) campaign aimed at sporting participants at all levels, wherever they play.

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Sport Integrity Australian launches new campaign Play the Aussie Way
