+ Win Well

24 Jan 2024

Australian judo's brothers in arms

Reaching the highest levels of sport doesn’t come without sacrifice, but for judo brothers Josh and Nathan Katz, the sacrifice is tempered by knowing they don’t have to do it alone. This is their  Win Well story.

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Australian Olympians Josh and Nathan Katz

23 Jan 2024

NSWIS lights up what it means to win well

New South Wales Institute of Sport (NSWIS) has launched a new documentary series to show what it takes to be an Olympian and Paralympian, both on and off the field.

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NSWIS Lights Up

22 Dec 2023

Rowers celebrate clubs who support them to win well

The athletes, coaches, and staff at the Hancock Prospecting Women’s National Training Centre (WNTC) in Penrith, NSW, recently used their Club Day to show how Rowing Australia is bringing Australian High Performance sport's commitment to Win Well to life.

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Rowing Australia Club Day

20 Dec 2023

United In Planning: The Approach for LA28 & Beyond

The first phase of a united process to National Sport Organisation (NSO) Planning, Monitoring and Review (PMR) has been released to assist sports preparing for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympics and Paralympic Games.

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Los Angeles will host the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games

15 Dec 2023

HP 2032+ Strategy turns one

Friday 15 December 2023 marks one year since 51 sports and sporting organisations gathered in Sydney to officially launch Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Strategy.

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