The Northern Territory is the first region to have its say on the development of Australia’s first codesigned National Sport Participation Strategy.

More than 40 people representing sporting clubs and community organisations gathered at the Hidden Valley Motor Complex this week to learn about the strategy and provide input to and feedback on the work done to date.
Sports represented included rugby, netball, basketball, athletics, NRL, softball, pistol, golf, volleyball, touch football, cycling and triathlon.
Disability Sport Australia, Total Recreation, Alcohol and Drug Foundation and Northern Territory Government also attended the session.
The Australian Sports Commission in partnership with sector stakeholders is facilitating the development of the strategy to transform the way participation is connected, delivered and supported in Australia.
A 17-member Project Steering Group was announced in March to support the strategy’s development with State and Territory workshops to consult and codesign with key stakeholders on early research, draft strategy themes and content.
“It was great to be able to sit and talk to other sports, hear their views and to collaborate on possible solutions,” NT Rugby Union CEO Nathan McDonald said.
He added that it was important the Northern Territory was involved in the strategy’s development.
“Everyone is time poor including parents and families. We need the strategy to help with the understanding of the social, economic and health impacts of sport. It doesn't matter how big your population is, we all need to be heard equally.”
Executive Director of Royal Life Saving NT Floss Roberts described the workshops as “thought provoking, inspiring and an opportunity to invest time and energy in our sports and for our communities.”
“It's a good way to bring everyone together to help promote change and new outcomes and help get everyone on the same page. I really welcome the opportunity to consider remote communities and all the challenges that come with those environments,” she said.
The workshops are being developed and hosted in partnership with State and Territory governments. They will be held across Australia in May and June with Perth next on the list.
All Australians will be invited to have their say on the development of the strategy with a survey opening soon to ensure a broad range of views and experiences are captured.
Upcoming state and territory roadshow dates
Perth, Western Australia - Wednesday 17 May
Hobart, Tasmania – Friday 19 May
Adelaide, South Australia – Friday 26 May
Sydney, New South Wales – Monday 29 May
Brisbane, Queensland – Thursday 1 June
Canberra, ACT – Monday 5 June
Melbourne, Victoria – Wednesday 14 June
Find out more about the strategy at