Know what tasks need doing
Why should I break down the roles into tasks?
Many people are taking on multiple roles at a club due to people being unable to commit because of lack of time. This can lead to volunteers burning out, placing the club at risk. By understanding the tasks required to manage your club or organisation, the tasks may be able to be shared amongst new volunteers who are unable to commit to large periods of time but can help with smaller task-based volunteering see Volunteer roles.
Many clubs and organisations know they need more help but are unsure of the exact tasks and commitments needed by those who may be open to volunteering. Knowing exactly what needs to be done means advertising is clearer, recruitment can be targeted, flexibility can be offered, and position descriptions and training requirements are clear.
Understanding all the tasks required to run your club or organisation may take some time up front but will mean the club is well planned each year moving forward.
How to understand what tasks need doing
- Have each committee member write down the tasks they complete, make sure these tasks are broken down as much as possible
- As a committee, complete the activity for other key roles in your club (e.g coaches, team managers, sub-committee)
- Understand and allocate time required to undertake the task
- Consider any barriers to completing the tasks and ways to remove them
- Consolidate all the tasks into one document stored on a shared drive so everyone can update and it can be reviewed annually ahead of a new season.
Matching volunteers with tasks
Matching the right volunteer to the right task is a great way to ensure the volunteer enjoys their role and the task is successful. Being flexible and molding the task/role to suit the potential volunteer helps create a role that suits their skills, interests and abilities.
This can be done either informally once a potential volunteer has been identified or through a formal process once their skills, experience, availability and interests are identified.
TIP: Once you have your task list, as a committee try to brainstorm and match tasks with potential volunteers to help target the right people for recruitment.
TIP: Include a skillset question in your volunteer surveys and participation registration to find any hidden interests or skills that members might have that would be great to get on board.