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Create a plan

A visible club volunteer plan will ensure everyone knows what they can/should do to support volunteers and helpers.

Why do I need a plan?

A plan will enable your club committee to:

  • Be well prepared to manage the recruitment and development of your volunteers;
  • Confirm in advance what needs to be done, when it should be done, what support may be needed and who is responsible
  • Understand the tasks and roles required to run the club
  • Understand the members of your club including what skills they have to contribute and what motivates them to be involved
  • Provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all your volunteers to thrive;
  • Proactively address any gaps, challenges and succession needs that may come up;
  • Create opportunities for all members to contribute in a way that suits them;
  • Implement any compliance, regulatory and insurance requirements;
  • Define and manage any codes of conduct or volunteer related policies;
  • Celebrate and recognise your club volunteers

TIP: For easy access and review, store all related information for this plan on a shared drive / cloud management system and provide access to the Volunteer Coordinator.

What to include in your plan

Sections to consider include:

  • What tasks and roles need doing
  • Timeline for key activities (e.g season preparation, mid-season check in, key functions and events etc)
  • Specific roles and responsibilities including position descriptions
  • Induction processes and welcoming packs
  • Codes of conducts, policies and procedures to support volunteers (e.g reimbursement policy, complaint handling, child safety)
  • Member and skills audit to understand the people, skillsets and motivations of your members
  • Recognition activities
  • Succession planning

Thinking of building a plan? Check out these resources and templates to get you started

Resources Volunteer management framework Cricket Australia Volunteer resource Basketball Australia Volunteer management plan template Seek Volunteer Go Volunteer Go Cairns Regional Council Club volunteer plan template Queensland Government
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