Read the letter of transmittal and background information about the ASC.
Chair's message
Read John Wylie's message (Chair, Australian Sports Commission).
Sport achievements
A summary of sporting achievements at the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games, world champions for 2014-2015 and ASC award winners.
Chapter 1 - Our Performance
The first chapter of this report focuses on the ASC’s performance in relation to key performance indicators and major deliverables for 2013–14.
Chapter 2 – Our Organisation
This section outlines the ASC’s organisational structure, human resource
management, employment conditions and initiatives,
work health and safety reporting, site services and
operating locations.
Chapter 3 – Accountability
This section outlines all of the ASC’s objectives and functions, and its mandatory
reporting including planning and accountability,
disclosure and legal compliance, risk management,
corporate governance and Board activity.
Chapter 4 – Financial Performance
An overview of the ASC’s economic background and
fi nancial performance, and then leads into the audited
fi nancial statements for 2014-15.
Appendixes and References
This final section contains additional information including funding to sports,
contact officers, a summary of compliance,
shortened forms, and the index.