Judiciary decisions
There were no judicial decisions or decisions of administrative tribunals during 2014–15 that had or may have significant impact on the operations of the ASC.
No reports were issued about the authority by the Auditor General, a parliamentary committee, Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
In 2013–14 the ASC received a complaint through the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) that it had breached the privacy of an individual. This complaint was closed by the OAIC in 2014–15 with a finding that the ASC had not interfered with the complainant’s privacy.
Freedom of Information
The ASC received 14 Freedom of Information (FoI) requests in 2014–15. Three requests were granted in full, two were granted in part, three were refused, three were withdrawn and three are ongoing.
One request that was granted in part is now being reviewed by the Information Commissioner.
One ongoing request was subject to ASC internal review, which determined that an applicant was entitled to a reduction in costs for processing an FoI request.
Processing times were met in all completed requests.
As defined by section 8(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, the ASC has continued to publish on its website the information required by the Information Publication Scheme.