Environment and heritage
The ASC Environmental Management System is based on the International Standard for Environmental Management Systems (ISO 1401:2004). It comprises policy objectives, targets and procedures for monitoring and review. A fundamental goal of the ASC’s Environmental Policy is to comply with Australian Government environmental policies, initiatives and legislative requirements.
Throughout 2014–15, the ASC monitored its energy and water usage and implemented specific environmental initiatives. Key activities and achievements included:
- electricity usage energy reductions of 9.8 per cent in 2014–15 (benchmarked against a seven-year running average beginning in 2006–07 when last major buildings came on line)
- gas usage reductions of 4.5 per cent in 2014–15 (benchmarked against a seven-year running average beginning in 2006–07 when last major buildings came on-line)
- a decrease in water consumption of approximately 8.9 per cent in 2014–15. This has been calculated using a two-year rolling average for current year results (benchmarked against a seven-year average beginning in 2007–08)
- continuation of a programme to change facility and external lighting to more energy efficient systems with improved lighting controls (reflected within reduced electricity consumption)
- 70 per cent recycling targets met including through continuation of recycling initiatives incorporated into the cleaning and catering contracts with recent enhancements to bin ratios
- recycling organic waste from the AIS dining hall, kitchen facilities and cafe to an on-site worm farm (the project was ‘highly commended’ in the ACTSmart award for innovation excellence in June 2015)
- recycling initiatives re-accredited under the ACT Government’s ACTSmart recycling programme for the AIS Arena and the AIS Visitor Centre and continued work to achieve accreditation for the entire AIS campus in Bruce.
The ASC has continued to enhance its capability to identify and manage its buildings and artefacts of heritage or cultural significance.
In the past year the ASC has:
- submitted, and had approved by the Minister for the Environment, a Heritage Review to maintain compliance with s.341ZA(6) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- continued operation of the ASC Heritage and Culture Committee to oversee the ASC’s heritage commitments
- managed and maintained its heritage items (including statues and sport uniform collection)
- produced exhibitions and displays of items of significance to the history of the AIS and of Australian sport
- preserved items including signage and uniforms relating to the historic AIS brand (which was replaced in 2014)
- provided ongoing maintenance of ASC properties.
No property with heritage values was acquired or disposed of during 2014–15.