+ Win Well

16 Aug 2023

Alyce Wood winning well on the way to Paris 2024

A year after having her daughter Florence, Alyce Wood has her sights set on Paris 2024. And with the support of Paddle Australia, her coaches and fellow athletes, she’s making sure her journey supports her not only being a world’s best paddler, but also as a person.

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Alyce Wood with her daughter Florence.

28 Jun 2023

ASC leading refinement of PMR framework

As part of Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy, the Australian Sports Commission has committed to refining the HP Planning, Monitoring and Review framework and processes.

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28 Jun 2023

Working groups selected to implement Horizon 1 activities

More than 100 people within the high performance sport system will contribute to 12 High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy Working Groups.

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21 Dec 2022

What Win Well means to our athletes

The beauty of Win Well is that everyone can set their own personal definition for success.

Some of our Australian athletes have already started sharing what Win Well means to them

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15 Dec 2022

HP2032+ Sport Strategy

Australia’s 2032+ High Performance Sport Strategy has been co-designed by the Australian High Performance Sport System, for the System. It is a strategy that belongs to us all, informing how we work together for united outcomes.

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