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Current tenders

Approach to market terms

Unless otherwise provided for in separate documentation within a specific Australian Sports Commission (ASC) Tender activity, the following ASC Approach to Market (ATM) Terms apply to the conduct of any ASC Tender activities:

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Purchase Orders issued by the ASC are subject to:

  • the terms of any formal written contract entered with the ASC in relation to the purchase; or
  • in the absence of such an agreement - the standard ASC Purchase Order Terms and Conditions for the supply of goods and/or services

No additional terms or conditions proposed by the Supplier will apply to the purchase unless agreed in writing by the ASC.

Suppliers wishing to contact the ASC for any other requirements are requested to email

Standard ASC Services Agreement

Unless otherwise specified in an Approach to Market document (RFT, RFQ, RFP etc) the ASC will enter into contracts with Service Providers and Suppliers based on the Standard ASC Services Agreement.

No additional terms or conditions proposed by the Supplier will apply to the purchase unless agreed by the ASC and reflected in the ASC Services Agreement in writing.

Suppliers wishing to contact the ASC for any other requirements are requested to email

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