Play Well

Play Well

has a place in sport

Our Strategy

Sport is a powerful vehicle for personal growth, community building, and positive social change.

Australia’s Sport Participation Strategy has been co-designed with the sector, welcoming individuals of all ages, backgrounds, genders, and abilities to access the benefits of sport.

Everyone has the right to participate in sport, and this strategy aims to create safe, welcoming, inclusive, and enjoyable sporting environments.

Together, we can change the face of sport and help more Australians play well.

In Focus

Play Well Affiliates Program
Launched last year as part of the Play Well Strategy, the program opens up opportunities for organisations that sit outside the recognised national sporting organisations (NSO) or national sporting organisations for people with disability (NSOD) structure to work with the ASC to help more Australians be physically active. Applications have opened for the next round of the Affiliate program with the ASC calling on eligible sport and recreation organisations to apply and help more Australians play well.

Read more on the Play Well Affiliates Program and find out how to apply here.

Play Well Affiliates Program
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