Play Well

Affordability of Sport

About the surveys

With the rising costs of living, we need to ensure that sport does not become a ‘luxury item’ for families. We need to understand the cost to deliver sport and the cost to individuals to participate in sport.

The ASC is working with researchers from Federation University who have developed two surveys to better understand the costs involved for clubs and participants.

Survey One – For all participants that engage in sport. This can be any age however parents or guardians will be asked to complete the survey on behalf of participants aged 12 and under.

Survey Two – Is for clubs and organisations to understand how much it costs to deliver your sport.

The survey will close at 5pm Tuesday 31 December 2024.

The survey results will be used to assist the ASC to work in partnership with the Australian sport sector to better understand the costs to play and the costs to deliver community sport.

Cost to Play Sport Survey - promotional toolkit

We have prepared a marketing toolkit for you to use to promote the Cost to Play Sport Survey amongst your members. Please use the suggested text and graphics below across your communication channels.

We recommend using a design platform such as Canva or Adobe to insert your image in the editable social media tile below.

If you have questions on how to use the toolkit or require branding advice, reach out to the ASC Marketing team via

Suggested caption:

How much does it cost you or your family to play <INSERT SPORT>?

The <TAG ASC> want to know how much it costs to participate in community sport so they can make informed decisions in the future to make sport accessible for all.

Please follow the link <*INSERT WHERE YOU WILL PUT THE LINK E.G. COMMENT SECTION, LINK IN BIO ETC.> and help us make sure everyone has a place in sport.

#playwell #costofsport

*Make sure you use the Cost to Play Sport Survey link with these assets, not the Cost to Deliver Sport link.*

Cost to Deliver Sport Survey - promotional toolkit

We have prepared a marketing toolkit for you to use to promote the Cost to Deliver Sport Survey amongst your members. Please use the suggested text and graphics below across your communication channels.

We recommend using a design platform such as Canva or Adobe to insert your image in the editable social media tile below.

If you have questions on how to use the toolkit or require branding advice, reach out to the ASC Marketing team via

Suggested caption:

How much does it cost you or your organisation to deliver <INSERT SPORT>?

The <TAG ASC> want to know how much it costs to deliver community sport so they can make informed decisions in the future to make sport accessible for all.

Please follow the link <*INSERT WHERE YOU WILL PUT THE LINK E.G. COMMENT SECTION, LINK IN BIO ETC.> and help us make sure everyone has a place in sport.

#playwell #costofsport

*Make sure you use the Cost to Deliver Sport Survey link with these assets, not the Cost to Play Sport link.*